What's the difference between a microaggression and a person being "passive-aggressive"?

What's the difference between a microaggression and a person being "passive aggressive"?

Equity Doula:

This is the situation where a microaggression can be passive-aggressive, especially if it’s done from a conscious state. However, being passive-aggressive does not, necessarily, mean that you are committing a microaggression.

Let’s look back at our definition - a microaggression subtly and often unconsciously expressing a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group.

These two are easy to conflate but remember microaggressions are always about the dominant group of a society maintaining their power and control by subjugating the subordinate group and continuing to make them feel less than whereas passive-aggressive behavior can be seen in any space.


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“How might I know when I'm about to engage in a microaggression so that I can stop myself before I do it?”