“Are there ever situations where exercising in microaggressions is healthy?”

“Are there ever situations where exercising in microaggressions is healthy?”

Equity Doula:

No! There is nothing healthy about microaggressions. I know the name can be misleading. The fact that we use the preface micro diminishes how negatively microaggressions impact the targeted person(s). I like to think of microaggressions as prejudice and stereotypes embodied and coming to life. They wreak havoc wherever they run around.

What is most difficult about microaggressions is, more often than not, the people saying them don't even realize AND when brought to their attention, they minimize the harm it has caused by saying “Well, that’s not what I meant” or “That wasn’t my intention” or “Why are you being so sensitive?” and so on.

Your intention does not mitigate the harm of your words. I will say again, your intention DOES NOT mitigate the harm of your words!


“How might I know when I'm about to engage in a microaggression so that I can stop myself before I do it?”


Microaggression breakdown: 'You're so articulate'